AO Principles of Fracture Management in the Dog and Cat

AO Teaching Videos and Animations on DVD-ROM

Ann L. Johnson, John EF Houlton, Rico Vannini

Media Type:

  • Edition: 1 2005
  • Details: 552 pages, 450 ill., PDF
  • ISBN: 9783131649218
  • Media Type:
  • Copy protection:
  • Language of text: English

US$ 269.99*

Media Type: E-Book (PDF)

Product information AO Principles of Fracture Management in the Dog and Cat
A step-by-step manual with DVD! This new AO text is a step-by-step manual for treating fractures in the mandible, maxilla, spine, scapula, pelvis, humerus, radius, ulna, femur, patella, tibia and fibula, carpus, tarsus, metacarpal and metatarsal bones, and digits. Engaging current concepts of AO teaching with a particular focus on the biology of fracture healing, this book is designed to guide the surgeon through all the stages of fracture management, from preoperative evaluation and fracture planning, to anesthesia and pain management protocols, to fraction reduction techniques and surgical procedures. The authors also discuss considerations for rehabilitation. This authoritative resource comes with a DVD-ROM containing the entire book in digital form for easy search and convenient text-to-video launch of 64 AO teaching videos and 12 animations that demonstrate key surgical techniques. This text is a must for all practicing veterinary orthopedic surgeons.

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Ann L. Johnson, John E. F. Houlton/, Rico Vannini