Differential Diagnosis in Computed Tomography

Francis A. Burgener, Christopher Herzog, Steven Meyers, Wolfgang Zaunbauer

Media Type:

  • Edition: 2nd edition 2012
  • Details: 868 pages, 2146 ill., Hardback (Thread Stitching)
  • ISBN: 9783131025425
  • Media Type: Book
  • Language of text: English

US$ 229.99*

Media Type: Book

Product information Differential Diagnosis in Computed Tomography

The new Burgener: Improve your interpretation skills with this bestselling comprehensive reference to interpreting abnormal CT findings

Differential Diagnosis in Computed Tomography, 2nd edition, is an invaluable reference aid in the evaluation of CT images to help confidently gain a general diagnostic impression and a reasonable differential diagnosis. In contrast to disease-oriented radiology texts, this book is organized by CT findings, enabling the reader to quickly match the appropriate differential diagnosis to CT results.

Special features of the second edition:

  • Continuation of the successful Burgener concept: Comprehensive tables describe the imaging patterns of the various diseases that may present on CT, along with other characteristically associated imaging findings and pertinent physiopathologic, pathologic, and clinical data
  • Over 2,000 detailed, high-quality images demonstrating a wide range of common and uncommon CT findings
  • Chapters organized according to anatomic regions, from the brain to the pelvis and the musculoskeletal system, with new chapters on meningeal and calvarian lesions and on trauma
  • Updated and revised sections reflecting the latest advances in CT technology and indications, including accurate staging of intra-articular and spinal fractures and evaluation of vascular diseases
  • Extensive index systematically cross-references diseases and CT findings for optimal access to information

Recognizing the central role that CT plays in the field of modern medical imaging, this book is essential for physicians who want to strengthen their diagnostic acumen and CT interpretation skills: radiologists in practice; residents preparing for board exams; and any other physician charged with understanding and interpreting CT images.

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