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Imprint of Thieme Compliance GmbH

Thieme Compliance GmbH
Am Weichselgarten 30a
91058 Erlangen

Phone: +49 9131 93406-40
Fax: +49 9131 93406-70

Director: Julian Brohm, Dr. Adam Maciak, Katrin Siems, Martin Spencker 
Registration court: Amtsgericht Fürth
Registration number: HRB 11075
Value-added tax identification number according to art. 27 a German Value-Added Tax Act: DE 812 084 966
Persons responsible for the content according to art. 6 German legal framework for electronic media: Dr. Adam Maciak, Martin Spencker

This legal information also applies to the following Facebook page

Despite careful review, we do not accept any liability for the content of external links. The operators of linked pages shall bear exclusive liability for their contents.

Note on the EU consumer directive:
The offerings are directed exclusively to physicians and dentists located in Germany or other European countries and other persons using the offerings in the course of practicing their independent health care profession (target group), including joint practices, health centres and hospitals. By registering on this site and consenting to these usage and ordering terms and conditions, you declare to be part of this target group. We are entitled to demand appropriate proof for this.

Alternative dispute resolution pursuant to Art. 14 para. 1 ODR-VO and § 36 VSBG:
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS) available at . Consumers have the opportunity to use this platform to resolve their disputes. We are basically ready to participate in an out-of-court dispute resolution.

The Thieme Group expressly reserves the right to use its content for commercial text and data mining within the scope of § 44b UrhG, and the content may not be used for the development, training and/or enrichment of AI systems, in particular generative AI systems. For the acquisition of a corresponding license of use, please contact