
Virtual Collection on Reproductive Medicine

Thieme provides free access to important research articles and book chapters from Thieme’s publications on reproductive medicine, which provide context and deepen understanding of these important issues. 

Graphic microscope representation of sperm flowing toward an egg.

The United States Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade had immediate, widespread healthcare implications on the full spectrum of reproductive medicine including access to abortion, birth control and emergency contraception, fertility treatments such as IVF, and gender-affirming healthcare. But we believe that evidence-based decision making is critical for a modern society.


American Journal of Perinatology

“Intimate Partner Violence Detected during Abortion-Related Visits: A Systematic Review of Screenings and Interventions” by Sabloak et al.


American Journal of Perinatology

“Impact of a Potential 20-Week Abortion Ban on Likelihood of Completing Required Views in Second-Trimester Fetal Anatomy Ultrasound” by Henkel et al.


AJP Reports

“Abortion for Fetal Genetic Abnormalities: Type of Abnormality and Gestational Age at Diagnosis” by Grossman et al.


Birth Control / Contraception

Fertility Treatments (IVF)

Seminars in Reproductive Medicine

“A Baby at All Costs? Exploring the Use and Provision of Unproven Adjuvant Treatments in the Context of IVF” by Jones et al.


Seminars in Reproductive Medicine

“Legal Issues in Gamete and Embryo Cryopreservation: An Overview” by Crockin et al. 


RBGO Gynecology & Obstetrics / Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet

“The Pathway of Female Couples in a Fertility Clinic” by Brandão et al. 


Gender Affirming Health Care

Facial Plastic Surgery

“Effect of Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS) on Eyelid Anatomic Features” by Luong et al.


Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery

“Comparison of the Results of Phalloplasty Using Radial Free Forearm Flap and Anterolateral Thigh in Iran from 2014 to 2019” by Akhoondinasab et al.


Seminars in Plastic Surgery

Aesthetic and Functional Male to Female Genital and Perineal Surgery: Feminizing Vaginoplasty by Reed


Seminars in Reproductive Medicine

“Update on Gender-Affirming Treatment for the Transgender” Woman by Unger


Gender Affirmation: Medical and Surgical Perspectives

by Christopher Salgado, Stan Monstrey, Miroslav Djordjevic