Who we are


The focus of our work is on people in all their diversity

Hands of different skin colors form a heart.

Gender Pronouns: An easy first step towards inclusive communication

At Thieme, we are actively committed to inclusion and diversity – in the company, in research and science and in medicine. In everyday working life, it can be difficult to live and show your gender identity authentically.  That's why Thieme employees have the option of using pronouns in their email signature. This allows them to show their internal and external contacts how they wish to be addressed in the third person. 

In everyday life, we often consciously or unconsciously infer a person's gender identity from their name and appearance and choose the corresponding pronouns. However, these assumptions are not always correct. 

People whose gender identity does not match the gender they were assigned at birth often face particular challenges in the workplace. They often experience exclusion and hostility. At Thieme, we offer a welcoming and open environment.

Therefore, for us the pronouns are a sign of respectful interaction with one another that includes everyone and recognizes gender diversity – both inside and outside the Thieme Group. At the same time, we speak out against any form of discrimination.