Who we are

Sustainability at Thieme

For a healthy life, we need a healthy planet. In line with our vision "For better medicine and a healthier life", we want to take responsibility - with people at the centre, evidence-based and courageous. 

Close-up of hands holding a small plant with soil.

Thieme Environmental Guideline

Between 2019 and 2021, we collected a comprehensive greenhouse gas balance for all German Thieme locations for the first time. The figures show that we were able to save around 21 percent in emissions between 2019 and 2021. The survey is conducted anew every year and is an important basis for further measures and steps on the way to continuously saving greenhouse gas emissions. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement and our environmental guideline set the framework.

What we do

Person in doctor's coat works digitally on a laptop. On the left in the foreground is the red SDG icon "4: Hochwertige Bildung" in German.

Spotlight: Knowledge and resources

Actors in the health sector have a special significance in their commitment to more environmental protection and sustainability. We support decision-makers, researchers and all those working in the health sector with tailor-made specialist information and services. 

Sustainability & Circularity NOW

The new journal "Sustainability & Circularity NOW" is the first open access publication with a multidisciplinary focus on sustainability and circularity in chemistry and beyond.

Journal information

Climate Change and Obesity

How are global warming, the COVID-19 pandemic and the rising prevalence of obesity connected and what are measures to reduce obesity rates? Read more in this open access article.

Hormone and Metabolic Research

Urine as a Biobased Fertilizer

This work presents a case study to remove potentially present contaminants from human urine using activated carbon adsorbents to adhere to Dutch fertilizer legislation.

Sustainability & Circularity NOW

The environmental impact of small-bowel capsule endoscopy

The environmental impact of endoscopy, including small-bowel capsule endoscopy (SBCE), is a topic of growing attention and concern. This study aimed to evaluate the greenhouse gas emissions generated by an SBCE procedure.


Waste Reduction in Endoscopy

The video reports a technique to remove traction using the knife during an endoscopic ubmucosal dissection (ESD), which contributes to reduce waste and lessen the environmental impact.


Sustainability in Dentistry

The article assesses the knowledge and attitude toward the practice of circular economy in conjunction with biomedical waste management among dental practitioners and technicians in Belagavi, India.

Journal of Laboratory Physicians

The Path to Sustainable Oral Healthcare

Dental professionals being an important pillar in the healthcare workforce are integral to the promotion of sustainable dentistry, a practice that actively addresses the intersection of healthcare and climate change.

European Journal of Dentistry

Impact of Dehydrated Anchovy Powder on the Growth and Nutritional Well-Being of the Human Undernourished Population

This original article focuses on assessing the efficacy of dried anchovy powder as a dietary supplement, examining its bioavailability and impact on growth and nutritional status.

Journal of Health and Allied Sciences

Discover more

Hand puts a heart in another hand

Social and Cultural Commitment

We regularly support social and cultural projects that are directly related to the activities of the Thieme Group.

Male and female doctor talking with tablet in hand

Patient Care

Thieme supports information, communication and documentation processes in routine care and thus creates freedom for what really matters in medicine: people.

A medical team stands in a circle and reaches its hands to the middle.

Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct summarizes what is important to us in our cooperation with our clients and in our dealings with our employees.