In recent weeks, hundreds of thousands of citizens in Germany have taken to the streets to demonstrate against the right and the burgeoning fascism of the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland). It is an encouraging sign that civil society is standing up and taking a stand in the best democratic sense. Thieme rejects any thoughts and actions that discriminate against, exclude or degrade other people and therefore supports this stand against right-wing ideology.
The rise of the AfD, the revelations by the research network CORRECTIV about a conference in Potsdam at which the expulsion of millions of people was planned, as well as the increasing anti-Semitic and far-right excesses in Germany can no longer be ignored or trivialized. It should be clear to everyone that there is a lot at stake—nothing less than our free democratic order.
You may think this concern is exaggerated. Is it? History has taught us Germans in particular how an open, democratic society can be destroyed insidiously by inhuman and racist ideas. "Nip it in the bud" was one of the defining thoughts after 1945—and it is precisely the beginnings that we must all now oppose to—especially we at Thieme.
At Thieme, we live in a special way from the freedom of the spirit and words—of science and medicine. The focus of our work is on people in all their diversity— on their health and well-being. For this reason alone, we condemn any form of exclusion. Racist, anti-Semitic, ethnonationalist or fascist attitudes have no place in our company. They are in no way compatible with our view of humanity. We also want to expressly assure all colleagues who have come to Germany from other parts of the world to work for Thieme of this. In 2023, we already donated 50,000 euros to organizations that promote democracy and diversity, and we will continue to do so.
But money is not enough. Each and every one of us is called upon to act. 2024 is a year that could change many things. Various elections could lead to forces coming to power that use our democratic order to make their inhuman ideology a reality. We will not allow that to happen! Never again is now.