Thieme and Thieme Chemistry actively promote scientific engagement and excellence in chemical research with a comprehensive awards program.
The Thieme-IUPAC Prize is awarded based on scientific merit for independent research dealing with synthesis in the broadest context of organic chemistry, including organometallic chemistry, medicinal and biological chemistry, designed molecules, and materials. It is presented every two years.
This award, presented every two years by Thieme and Science of Synthesis, honors female chemists within the first 15 years of their independent career for their outstanding achievements in organic chemistry, broadly defined to include medicinal, biological, organometallic, or materials chemistry, and related areas.The prize includes an award of € 5,000.
The Thieme Chemistry Journals Award is presented since 1999 every year to up-and-coming researchers worldwide who are in the early stages of their independent academic career as assistant or junior professors. The awardees are selected exclusively by the editorial board members of SYNTHESIS, SYNLETT, and SYNFACTS who constantly watch out for promising, young individuals working in chemical synthesis and catalysis or closely related areas of organic chemistry.
Thieme and the Editors of SYNTHESIS, SYNLETT, SynOpen and Organic Materials present the respective “Best Paper Awards”. These annual awards will honor the authors of the best original research papers in each of the journals, considering their immediate impact on the field of chemical Synthesis. The winners of the three awards receive prize money and a framed certificate. Read more
Every year, Thieme Chemistry is engaged as a sponsor at many international conferences. In order to support the generation of MSc, PhD and postdoctoral students various poster prizes are awarded by us to the best posters at specific conferences in form of journal subscriptions or books. The selection of the poster prize winners is carried out by independent poster prize juries.
The Thieme Lecture in Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry is held every October on the occasion of the “Day of Organic Chemistry at the University of Stuttgart (TOCUS)” and is sponsored by Thieme Chemistry. The lecture is held by internationally well-known chemists who present results of their current research to an audience of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students and their group leaders from several regional universities.
Each year, Thieme also awards a prize to the most innovative original paper published in the journal "Planta Medica". The award, worth 1,500 euros, is presented at the annual conference of the Society for Medicinal Plants and Natural Products Research.
Most Innovative Paper Award Planta Medica