Thieme regularly honors scientific work and innovative concepts in the field of nursing and therapy professions.
Thieme, together with the publishers of "intensiv - Fachzeitschrift für Intensivpflege und Anästhesie" (intensive care and anesthesia journal), awards outstanding technical papers by participants in continuing education courses in intensive care and anesthesia in German-speaking countries. The aim is to promote the next generation in intensive care and anesthesia and the scientific discourse. In addition, students can submit their term papers as long as it relates to the subject area.
The prize is endowed with a total of 1000 euros and will be awarded during the Hauptstadtkongresses Anästhesie und Intensivmedizin (HAI) in Berlin. The first prize is endowed with 500 euros, the second with 250 euros and the third place winner receives 150 euros. In addition, the first three prize winners will have the opportunity to present their work at the HAI. Participants whose work ranks fourth to tenth will receive an annual subscription to the Thieme journal "intensiv".
Every year, Thieme awards the "Förderpreis Nephrologische Pflege", which is endowed with 1500 euros. The prize is awarded for work that critically evaluates nursing activities and points out possible quality improvements in nephrological care. The prize will be presented during the Nephro Symposium. Subsequently, the best contributions will be published in the professional journal "Nephrologie aktuell" (previously "Dialyse aktuell").
Thieme honors outstanding original and review papers, guidelines or case reports in physiotherapy published in the journal "physioscience" with the prize of the same name. Practical relevance as well as the scientific quality of the research work and the submitted manuscript are evaluated.
The prize is endowed with 3000 euros and is awarded alternately at the Clinical Research Forum in Switzerland and the Physiotherapy Research Symposium of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Physiotherapie (DGPTW).