Journal Authors

Open Access

Three blue pieces of puzzle interlock standing

As an author, you have the option to publish your research in one of our Open Access journals. Open Access allows your work to be freely available to readers worldwide, increasing the visibility and reach of your research. Additionally, we offer Open Access funding agreements which allow authors to cover the cost of publishing their article as Open Access. Our Open Access journals are subject to rigorous, independent peer review, ensuring all articles meet the same high quality of editorial, author, and production services you expect from Thieme.  

Why Publish Open Access?

When it comes to scientific research, Thieme aims to provide the best services possible to our readers and authors. All Thieme journals offer you the option to publish Open Access. 

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Thieme journals ensure rapid and widespread dissemination of your latest findings within the scientific community, maximizing their impact. Our portfolio comprises of high-quality scientific journals covering the fields of medicine and chemistry. Here you will learn more about each journal's specific scope, frequency of publication, and impact factors.

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Funding Agreements

We have signed several funding agreements with various institutions to cover Open Access article processing charges in many of our journals. Authors at participating institutions are given the opportunity to publish papers on an Open Access basis at no or discounted cost. 

Participating Institutions


Thieme's scientific journals follow one of two publication models, which include Hybrid Open Access, and Open Access. For Open Access publications, the charges are typically paid by authors, institutions, or sponsors in the form of Article Processing Charges (APC). You can find a comprehensive list of these charges here.

Price List

Open Access Journals

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